T-Ball What to Expect
Our T-ball program usually is on Wednesday nights starting in June running through July (off 4th of July week). Practice/Game start times are usually 5:30PM or 6:00PM and 1 or 1.5 hours long. All the practices and games (usually only 1 or 2 games at the end of the summer) will be held on the Wrightstown High School JV field behind the high school. Our mission is to keep it fun while keeping the girls moving and interested. Our goal is teaching them the field positions and fundamental skills to play the game including how to throw and catch a ball, swing a bat properly, and run the bases. The expectation is that all our T-ball parents volunteer for 2 work time slots at one of our 2 home tournaments towards the end of July. The money raised from our tournaments is used to upgrade the fields and buy advanced training equipment and bring in outside resources. In addition, it's a great way to meet and socialize with parents of all age groups. All our coaches, board, and staff at WGSA are volunteers so if you are interested in making a difference in a group of young girl’s lives drop me a text or call at 920-371-1782.
8U What to Expect
What to expect for new First year 8U players coming in from T-ball. Our first year 8U players usually will play in the Combine Locks league on Wednesday nights at Sunset Park in Combine Locks. It’s a great league to introduce the girls to the next step in our learning process, the game. This is always subject to change as Combine Locks must first see their numbers before letting our team in. This League usually starts around May timeframe and is on Wednesday nights. The girls will usually practice twice a week leading up to league then one practice and one game a week when league starts.
What to expect for our Second year 8U players. We will play in the Badgerland league. We do travel to other towns in the Fox Valley area and usually Play games on a Thursday night. The girls will usually practice twice a week leading up to league then one practice and one game a week when league starts in June. League will usually run from early June (or late May) till the end of July taking off the week of the 4th of July. At this age we do play in tournaments providing we have a volunteer coach to coach it. Tournament Play is completely outside League Play and based on if you want to play more competitive ball. Fees are based on tournament cost split up between all the girls playing. For example, if a tournament is $400 for entry fee and you have 12 players the fee per player is $34. We currently do not have tryouts but if we have to many players that want to play tournaments and only one team at that age level, we do need to have players take their turns playing in tournaments. Yes, some players will get more tournaments based on skill level, age, and positions as they get older.
Tournament Play
Tournament Play is completely outside League Play and based on if you want to play more competitive ball. Fees are separate and based on tournament cost that are split up between all the girls playing that particular tournament. T-ball players do not play in tournaments. For example, if a tournament is $400 for entry fee and you have 12 players the fee per player is $34. We currently do not have tryouts but if we have to many players that want to play tournaments and only one team at that age level, we do need to have players take there turns playing in tournaments. Yes, some players will get more tournaments based on skill level, age, and positions as they get older.